Keyhole breeding behavior?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Oct 15, 2011
Northern Illinois
I have two keyholes who are a few months old. Not sure how many. And they almost always stay right next to each other. I'm not sure of the sex but they just started to pick up gravel and move it. They also kind of bull doze the gravel with their heads and push it. Could they maybe be making a spot for their eggs?
i have seen keyholes breeding,a nd that sounds like the typical behaviour! the ones i saw had the female guarding the spot behind a log while the male shifted loads of gravel bit by bit, made a pit and eventually when she laid the eggs, the male ended up guarding them close while the mum chased off unwelcome visitors! cool to watch, and soooo cute when they hatched!! good luck :)
The only problem is I have a pair of GBRs and every time the keyholes go by their pit, the male chases them. It doesn't make sense because they usually stay on the opposite side of the tank. The GBRs are going to spawn soon so that's why their so aggressive. How soon after they started digging their pit did they breed? Thanks for the info :)
about 2 weeks im guessing, however it was prob a little less since i only visited on fridays and the eggs were there on the 2nd friday after the building.
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