Keyhole Growth Rate

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 3, 2013
Does anybody here who has kept keyholes know how long it takes for them to reach adult size?

The other day I bought two small keyholes (.75" and 1") and I was just wondering what the time frame is before they're adults.

Does anybody here who has kept keyholes know how long it takes for them to reach adult size?

The other day I bought two small keyholes (.75" and 1") and I was just wondering what the time frame is before they're adults.


Try to pm freakgecko91. He has a vast amount of knowledge about them.
Oh come on, I only have 8 of them! Haha from my experience with them thus far, they aren't super fast growers, but are pretty steady. Mine were the size of nickels when I got them last year, it's probably been 8-9 months and they are around 3-4 inches now. Most of mine are still young, two quarters, 3 nickels, and a dime (sorry for the weird comparisons, just easiest way for me to size them lol).

I absolutely love keyholes, highly overrated due to their lack of colors, but they have such great personalities in that they follow their mate EVERYWHERE. Mine are constantly together, even when feeding. They are awesome little guys!
Oh come on, I only have 8 of them! Haha from my experience with them thus far, they aren't super fast growers, but are pretty steady. Mine were the size of nickels when I got them last year, it's probably been 8-9 months and they are around 3-4 inches now. Most of mine are still young, two quarters, 3 nickels, and a dime (sorry for the weird comparisons, just easiest way for me to size them lol).

I absolutely love keyholes, highly overrated due to their lack of colors, but they have such great personalities in that they follow their mate EVERYWHERE. Mine are constantly together, even when feeding. They are awesome little guys!

Now, I know you didn't mean to call them overrated!
I love following a thread that the three of y'all are involved in. Always informative, yet comical!!
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