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lol! i read once that kuhlis could fart air bubbles. sure enough, i was watching one of my kuhlis flaoting up near the top of the tank, and he slowly swam down and up came a bubble.
Are you sure it was a fart bubble and not out of his gills. I've seen my my kuhlis come up a lot and the air releases threw their gills when they open them up on the way down.
I've heard of cories farting but never loaches. I saw one of my albino cories fart when I accidentally bumped the tank when I was walking by in the morning. I must have scared him! LOL!
I don't know about loaches, but at least some callichthyid catfishes (such as Corydoras) swallow air and absorb oxygen through their highly vascularised hindgut. The excess gas has to come out somewhere!