L. tetracanthus and J. transcriptus 'Gombe'? Tanganyikan stocking question

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severum mama

Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 11, 2004
Hey all, I need some quick help with stocking our Tanganyika tank. I would prefer to hear from folks who have actual experience with the fish in question, or at least related experience. :cool:

The tank is a 46 gallon bowfront (3' long) with holey rock for caves and sand substrate. It currently houses 8 Julidochromis transcriptus 'Gombe' ranging from about 2-3". We got a bag of 6 Lamprologus tetracanthus at an auction today for a price we couldn't refuse, and I need to know if I can house these fish together. The tetracanthus are roughly the same size as the transcriptus. I am aware that the tet's grow larger than the julies but I have not kept them before so I'm not sure how they would get along. I would like to breed both species, and if they will be incompatible in the long term, I will find a different tank to put the tet's in. I need to figure this out in the next couple of hours so help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance. (y)
I'm afraid my knowledge of tetras is not first hand, I have a friend in GCCA who breeds them and they are little fiesty early on but when reaching maturity they can become extremely aggressive. Being a carnivore they will eat attack and eat other fish, they're great for fry control.
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I appreciate the input HUKIT. Thanks to your advice, I decided to move them to a 20 gallon tank until I can re-do a 40 BR with aragonite sand and some rock to accommodate them (our water is quite soft out of tap). They are in their temporary tank now, looking great, and I will re-do that 40BR tank asap. Can anyone tell me if a group will be good to go in a 40 BR, alone? Or do I need to go to a 55 or 75 for a group of 6? Thanks again in advance! :)

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