Labs breeding!!!!

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Anyone have expirence with White labs? Basically elec yellows but white; so would thier breeding size be about the same?!

I never had even heard of one, but when I discovered this little hidden fish store in Pittsburgh, I feel in love. Their perfectly white irradescent bodys contrast so well to the black on their dorsal and pec fins :)

Sounds like they might have some albinoism or is it a different variety of Labs? I occassionally get an albino in my offspring.
Pics. They sound interesting! Lol mine is still holding i believe
I would love to get some albino labs it would be sweet if I got some from my pair. I would definnately breed albinos. It would also be cool to get some blue ones, yes blue lol. In the wild there is a blue variety.
No, they're not albino; I looked them and up and they're a sperate species. They're really sweet; as soon as I get back from working outta town, I'll post a pic!

And get this!!! There's another fish store that sell Electric Yellow Labs EXCEPT the have one BIG difference!!!- they have red eyes! It looks like the eyes of an albino fish, but on a yellow labs body! ( I thought they were sweet, didn't know if anyone else knew?)

And I think the white labs with blue eyes would be amazing!

Thinking about stocking my 75 gallon with ONLY like "mutant" strains. Lol
Cool but can we keep this on topic now if you wanna talk bout ur labs make a post of your own thx. Not tring to be mean just wanna keep this one topic. K?!
Im a girl lol but no its not i havent been at my dads where she is... So yea lol sorry for the wait
'sigh' now why'd ya hafta go and say you're a girl??? It took the umph outta what I said...jeesh! lol
Well, when are you gonna see ur fishie again? I'm dying ta know if she's still holding.
I know!!!! Nd monday after school. Bout 3o-clock... I will post nd updat right when i get home!
Just got home.... Looked nd her chin is smaller i fed them nd she ate.... So shes not holding :'(
Thx well im going to be giving the 4 of them to my teacher, he has a 55 gallon they should be happy there. Plus i can see them! Hopefully
Now i have no idea, she ate a lil but still has her pouch, kinda, so i dont know wat to do, its only been bout 4-5 days.... They cant hatch in that time can they the temp is at bout 74-76F if that helps
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