Led lightning

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 16, 2013
New york
Hello! I have a question...I have a 29gallon heavily planted freshwater tank...I would like to change my lights to led lights...but I have no idea about the led lightning....
I'm not to knowledgable, but I know finnex has the fugeray and the ray 2. The Fugeray would put you in low light and the ray 2 would put you in medium light. There is also Buildmyled.com. They offer great LED's but I'm not sure where that would put you in the light category.
Led's suck I bought a marineland led 265$ and it shorted out and now only 1 setting works go with T5 HO then if there is a prob you can change the bulb. Led u are done when a problem occurs good luck on your search
Led's suck I bought a marineland led 265$ and it shorted out and now only 1 setting works go with T5 HO then if there is a prob you can change the bulb. Led u are done when a problem occurs good luck on your search

I actually disagree with the LEDs sucking. Just because you had an issue with one light fixture doesn't mean they are all terrible. In fact, I made a light for my 10g planted tank and couldn't be happier. I have 8 bulbs at 6500k light, if I went back to remake it I would probably switch out 2 of those lights to blue leds. If you didn't want to go with the DIY route there are some nice light fixtures out there although I would probably stay away from the marineland fixtures since they don't seem to have the right par rating for a high light level planted tank.
Hello! I have a question...I have a 29gallon heavily planted freshwater tank...I would like to change my lights to led lights...but I have no idea about the led lightning....

What kind of plants do you want to grow? Low light or med/high? Co2 injection?
I have fluval pressurized system 88g and 2*24 T5HO..I have vallisnerias aponogetons crypts water visteriaaaa....nothing crazy plants....
Since you have pressurized co2, you should probably go with the Finnex Ray 2 as Jkeating8 suggested. If you're thinking of growing any red stem plants, that's a different story. In that case the BuildmyLED.com plant LED or the Fluval Daylight Aqualife & Plant LED or two Current Satellite LED+ fixtures would work.
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