lettuce? really?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 30, 2013
I have 2 gauramis n a sucker fish...I've read they like to eat lettuce...how do I give it to them? Small pieces or put a leaf on bottom?
I have 2 gauramis n a sucker fish...I've read they like to eat lettuce...how do I give it to them? Small pieces or put a leaf on bottom?

I don't know about gouramis, but for the sucker fish you can weigh it down with a rock, clip it to the side or skewer it. I haven't personally tried lettuce ( or any other leafy veg) but I do feed other veges. If they are raw, like capsicum or cucumber I skewer them, but if cooked, like choko or sweet potato, they sink on their own.
Veges that I just blanch ( soften only the outside of the veg) like zucchini or asparagus I still need to skewer. I use a suction clip to hold the skewer to the glass for convenience sake. And my viewing pleasure lol!
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