LFS Boxing Day Sale...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 29, 2010
Calgary, Canada
So our LFS is putting on Margarita Turbo Grazers for 40 cents each, does anyone have these in there tank? if so how well do they control algae? also which kinds do they control the best?

for 40cents each I might be tempted to pick up a few even if I need to start putting in some seaweed later to supplement the food for them
Great snail to have as it eats lots of algae, but it's a cooler water species (72 -78 degrees). At that price though I would pick some up.
yah I heard they like colder water but they will adapt to higher as well?

I keep my tank about 75-58 anyways
ahh ok so how fast do these guys eat? they list them as turbo because they say they just go to town, so for a 40gal tank we talking like 1 or 2? or 5-10 range?

(keep in mind I might be buying some extra for when my 35gal is cycled at the end of the month)
Sure. They will self regulate the population based on available food.

I buy around 100 nassarius and dwarf cerith snails about once a year for my 125.
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