Lighting for Angelfish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 28, 2004
I have had fish for a long time, freshwater to marine, and then back to freshwater. I do not have the time (or money) to have marine anymore, or really a tank with the heavy plants I used to have previously. I currently have a 29 gallon, tank with stand & canopy. I have lots of fake plants, driftwood and java moss. I have decided to start keeping, angelfish. I use blackwater extract and RO water. Parameters are PH 6.6-6.7, 0, 0, 10. The angelfish are doing great and eating like PIGS, and about doubled in size in about 3 months. I have 2 regular output lights, that I want to get rid of. One was smelling like it was melting, so it is unplugged at the moment. I still have a double CF unit left from the reef tank that I was gonna use instead of the set up I have now. I have read that angelfish like lower light, so I'm wondering what combo lights people would want to suggest to me. I'm goingo replace the bulbs/units if I need to. I guess basically what i'm asking is the CF going to be too much light? I'm a little rust on the 10K and actinic lights. I can just turn one of the bulbs on at a time on the CF hood. Or should I get new Reg Output strips with new lights. I wouldn't rule out ever having live plants again, just at the time I don't really have the time to prune them all the time. What about led lights for at night? I have never really had good luck with angels in the past, and I'm pretty excited about these doing so well (after some much needed reading and prepping) I want them to be super happy, and get big and live a long time :)
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