Lighting Question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 3, 2003
Coral Springs FL
Well, I've finally installed my MH's and man are they bright.

Here's my question. With all the lights I have, how should I run them.

2 x 250W 12K MH
2 x 65W Actinics
2 x 65W Daylight

They are all installed and operational.

My original thougth was to run them as follows,
Actinics 10am-10pm
Daylight 11am-9pm
MH 12pm-8/8:30pm

What does everyone think?
You could do that...I would probably change the daylights to actinics when it was time for a bulb change. Or maybe 50/50's.
I would probably have the actinics on from 9:30AM-10:30PM and run the MH a little longer too. You want 10-12 hours of good light every day.
Oops...I missed the 12k. I guess that will depend on whether you like the looks of the tank with the daylights running or if you want it a little bluer. I would still run the halides a little longer though.
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