Lighting question...

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Catfish Lover

Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 1, 2013
Will a single T5 HO be stronger than a dual T8 setup? The T5 would be sitting 2-3 inches above tank, it's a catalina fixture. I've heard they have really good reflectors.

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My guess is that the T5HO will have higher PAR but denser, and the dual T8 will have better spread but less PAR. I wish I could tell you more but I'm not familiar with fluorescent lighting.
If you hang a small disco ball under the light those plants will be dancing in no time!

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Pretty decent. What are you looking for, exactly? Replacement? High light? Low light? What size tank and what's your budget?
Pretty decent. What are you looking for, exactly? Replacement? High light? Low light? What size tank and what's your budget?

It's a 55 gallon. Looking for moderate-medium lighting. Not using any co2. Budget not really a concern.
This is replacing a dual T8 fixture. Things grew painfully slow in this tank, even the low light plants. I plan on going open top tank with this catalina fixture.. It'll be about 2-3 inches raised.

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Low light plants tend to grow slowly regardless. Higher lighting without nutrients and CO2 ends up an algae farm. That light will definitely be a huge step up. I'd definitely consider at least starting a daily glutaraldehyde dosing regime (seachem excel, or metricide 14) with that lighting setup.
Low light plants tend to grow slowly regardless. Higher lighting without nutrients and CO2 ends up an algae farm. That light will definitely be a huge step up. I'd definitely consider at least starting a daily glutaraldehyde dosing regime (seachem excel, or metricide 14) with that lighting setup.

Wow.. That much of a step up? I do plan on using lots of plants and floating plants. The floating plants should help with algae right? Didn't want to use anything extra other than my seachem flourish weekly.
Flourish definitely won't cut it for moderate lighting. You're best off going with PPS pro or EI if you want medium light. If also consider heavy excel dosing or injected co2 at that light range.
Wow.. That much of a step up? I do plan on using lots of plants and floating plants. The floating plants should help with algae right? Didn't want to use anything extra other than my seachem flourish weekly.

Yes floating plants will cut down light and suck up nutrients, preventing algae.
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