lighting replacement for eclipse system-3

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 13, 2004
I have an eclipse system-3 that I need to replace the lighting for. The current lighting/balast has actually eroded and rusted into inoperability. I have seen in the past where the lighting can actually be upgraded. I can just either replace or upgrade, either is fine. I am wanting to setup the tank again as a freshwater planted tank with a few shrimp, medium intensity would be fine probably due to the shallowness of the tank.

Any ideas/suggestions on the light replacement would be welcome.

I do not know if you can retrofit those relatively flimsy hoods or not. Also, heat is a concern with lighting upgrades. You might go to the Marineland website and see what they have, as they might sell kits, or you might be stuck gettin a completely new hood assembly.

I will be interested in what you find out, or what additional info others can provide, as I have 2 Eclipse systems that are getting somewhat long in the tooth.

It sounds like you’re in quite a pickle. I doubt you are going to find a cost effective method to retrofit a 3-gallon tank light fixture. I suspect replacement of the entire hood will cost more then the tank is worth. May I suggest you compare the price of a complete ten-gallon setup at a LFS versus the cost of a new hood? Whichever path you chose to venture be sure to follow up this post so others can learn from your ordeal. I wish you the best of luck.

Best regards,

Custom sealife used to make one that would work with the eclipse syestems before they went out of business.
I would check some of the online stores and see if they have any in stock as well as ebay.
Hope this helps ya out
I have tried to contact MarineLand but they dont answer email inquiries (so far, after over a week and 2 emails) and I couldnt call on phone, after 2 calls I disconnected after 20minutes on hold.

I do believe Custom Sealife is actually where I saw the retrofits before. I know they were expensive. I was hoping there would be a similar/alternative/cheaper solution. As the tank and filter are still working, and the tank size is perfect for my needs, I'd prefer not having to buy another. I will continue to look around and trying ebay.

finally a reply from marineland. the only replacement they offer would be a total hood replacement, at a cost of $23.50 (plus shipping) while a complete replacement of tank/hood is around $39.99, give or take, from any LFS


Thanks for the update. You didn't specify what the complete replacement would be. Is it another Marineland 3 gallon tank? Given your prior experience with the hood do you want to venture down that road again? I thought about your predicament as I made my LFS rounds the past few days. In several shops I saw 10-gallon "complete" setups starting at $24.95 and never topping $49.95. Perhaps a little footwork or finger walking through the Yellow pages is in order. I think you will find the flexibility of a generic tank a better investment versus buying a prepackaged product, and in the long term greater satisfaction participating in the hobby.

Best regards,

yeah. eclipses are pretty expensive. because at walmart the tank itself is 9.48, filter ranges from 10-30$, the hood 20$, substrate 5-20$, heater 5-30$, plants ranges a wholebunch. only having the neccisary stuff (tank, filter, hood, heater) that'll cost 40-60$ i think (if i did the math right) (rounding) but you can also get the starter set from walmart (which i refuse to buy because theres always something that breaks)

so ur choice but a 10 gallon sounds alot better then a 3 gallon. but thats me
actually I already have 2 tanks of 29g's setup - one reef and one fresh - so it isnt that I'm new to the hobby or that the eclipse is currently my only one. currently it is running with some spare live rock in it for the reef. I am certain that it was the salt that ate up the lighting. the $39.95 was for a brand new eclipse 3g, complete. and I do have a 20g and a 10g already as spares in my closet. The only reason for repairing the eclipse is because it current sits on my "bar" separation between the kitchen and living roon and it fits just so perfect where it is, I originally measured the 10g for there before I purchased the eclipse and it just stood out as out-of-place there, the smallness and "pretiness" of the eclipse just works so nicely there.

If I werent able to repair the hood reasonably then the eclipse is being considered to be transformed to either a mini wet/dry or a refugium for the reef. I am also considering it as is for a snail factory for the 3 dwarf puffers in my freshwater - removing the live rock and saltwater of course. Actually I have already ordered 100 mini red ramshorns for this purpose


Glad to hear you have experience in the hobby. In the future, I’ll be sure to consider that when I address you. I am truly sorry I sunk to the level of considering you as a novice. I suspect you can see my approach and others in this thread when you made no prior mention of the saltwater application concerning the Eclipse tank. No one the on board can make a proper evaluation of your situation unless you explain ALL the parameters, intentions, aspirations, and equipment you employ. You failed to do that and I am sorry I didn’t recognize it. In the future I will just assume you will leave out the important details.

Best regards,

I can understand how you would prefer to replace the lighting in the Eclipse- I have several of these tanks that I have picked up over the years, and they are neat and contained, and that is entirely why they were developed this way.

Have you checked on Ebay or Aquabid for a replacement hood assembly? I used to have a 3-gal Eclipse and the empty tank was cracked while it was stored, so I had this perfectly good hood assembly but no tank, and traded it out with another hobbyist who apparently had a similar situation as mine.
I just didnt feel necessary to mention the cause of the corrosion or the fact I had other tanks already setup when all I was seeking was a method or source for replacing the light fixture. the other information was not relevant to what I needed.

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