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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 13, 2011
St. Charles, MO
I have african cichlids now and I am going to be setting up another tank and would really like to do saltwater. I have been to pretty much all the lfs' in my area and they seem more concerned with selling me their tank setups and have them maintain it than helping me learn the information.

I have been reading numerous threads on here and its completely clear that Fish only w/ live rock and keeping corals is a big difference with lighting. However, a few threads have mentioned that there are some corals than can thrive in not as high intensity lighting. I am curious what corals, if any, could live in a 40g breeder tank with a fixture like the one in this link: Aqualight (I have one of these fixtures already that is being used on my cichlid tank with 6700k and colormax bulbs)

I am not sure if I want to go the coral/reef route yet, im just starting my research. Any information is greatly appreciated!
If I were you, I would make my mind up now if it will be fowlr or reef. If you have any desire whatsoever to have any corals, go big on the lights. No matter what you think now, if you start in corals you will want more and better. If you don't have the lighting for it you will be disappointed. I made that mistake and now I am paying the price. I have stopped looking for corals to add to my tank while I build a DIY fixture with tons of punch. That way, I can have any coral my little heart desires. I know the lights are expensive but cutting corners will result in disappointment in my opinion.
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