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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 3, 2006
What are the best lights to use for 55 freshwater tank, moderately planted? I currently have DIY co2 one bottle.

Depends how uch light you want. One DIY bottle will not have much effect. If you go over 2 wpg, you will need a pressurized system or need to dose excel, which can get expensive.

PC lights would be a good choice. You can get lots of different confifgurations to get the light levels you want.
I agree... i have PC over a 56 gallon column and love it. Depending on the fixture you get with the amount of lumens though, you may have to upgrade the CO2 system to keep up with the lighting otherwise you are going to get a big tank full of algae
I've seen a medium light 55 using two 1gallon DIY jugs, a 100% efficient diffuser/reactor, low fish count, and zero surface agitation work.

but the guy is also retired and has time to clean the tank 2x a week.

whats PC lights, i currently have 2 40 watts bulbs on 55 gal, one of them is specififc for plant growth. I must say I start seeing somethging that looks like a black dust on my plants..nay suggestions what that may be?
any links to the lights would be apreciated...
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