Lion fish and ghost eel

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Is there no such thing as people just appreciating pictures that are posted on this website, instead all I ever get are people constantly trying to tell me what I need to do and how to do things. like ive said before i Research all of my fish before purchasing any. I'm not stupid and I know what im doing. I will upgrade when I need to. Thanks
Just trying to help. Lots of people buy lions and don't know how big they get. Also, haven't seen other posts.
Is there no such thing as people just appreciating pictures that are posted on this website, instead all I ever get are people constantly trying to tell me what I need to do and how to do things. like ive said before i Research all of my fish before purchasing any. I'm not stupid and I know what im doing. I will upgrade when I need to. Thanks
The site is called aquarium advice, relax a little. Obviously he/she is just trying to help you out a little. Lions get huge, not everyone knows or realizes that when they purchase one. Take the advice as that, say thank you and move on homie.
That's fine I understand if I had asked a question but every person is worried about my tank size and I never asked about that so I obviously know haha
No, I know. But when we see things like "Lion in a 90" it raises some red flags. Just wanting to help out
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