live rock big or small?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 17, 2003
cornwall, england
live rock big or small?

i have just been looking at my live rock and been thinking thats its all pretty large, and had a thought that i could 'smash' it down to smaller sizes and then i might be able to make a rock scape easier and it would look more natural? i would also be able to fit more live rock in, so more filtration!

what do you guys think of this idea? has anybody tried it? does it look good?

thanx andrew
I think it is possible, but you will be making LR into 1/2 LR and 1/2 (or more) base rock, it is also difficult to predict just how it will break.
Yeah i had that same idea now i have a bunch of smaller really sharp jagged peices of lr :?
its easy just use a cold chisel it breaks real easy thats how i frag zooanthids
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