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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 24, 2010
i bought 4 clwn loaches to add to my aquarium this weeknd and also some tetra min tropical tablets for bottom feeders but i dont kno how many to give them and the container doesnt say does anyone kno how man should i give them ??
Hi sniper, first of all what size is your tank? As clown loaches can get fairly large up to 12inches. As for how many tablets to give them a lot of people do different things, what i would to is put in one for each of them and if they finish them within say 3-4 minutes add some more until they stop finishing them within the timeframe, then remove uneaten bits =)
I have a 50 gallon tank..i tried feeding them flakes too but my barbs eat it all before they evn swim to the top...
Pick up some Wardley Shrimp pellets. These work great with juvi bottom feeders as they will break up into smaller particles allowing them to eat them easier. I used these when I used to keep CL.
Welcome to AA!
The shrimp pellets are nice. Also you'd be surprised at the amount of food that actually gets to the bottom of the tank.
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