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28 gallon JBJ Nano-Cube 28 HQI slammed with LR and full to the gills with SPS's. No fish bioload and the only feeding in this tank is every once and a while I'll give my GBTA a little piece of kreal or silverside since it isn't being fed by clowns.
Tank cycled August 2008 and my parameters stayed steady until a month ago. I always do a 5 gallon PWC every 2 weeks. I've never had NitrAtes to be's always been 5. However, my 2-year old got pneumonia and ended up in the hospital when my PWC was due and I didn't get to do it until almost 4 weeks apart (didn't worry me). I tested the water and NitrAtes were up to about 15 and I haven't been able to change that for a month now.
I've tried daily PWC's (not 5 gallons, don't want to shock my corals), added Purigen, added Nitra-Zorb, haven't fed the BTA in weeks, and basically done weekly 5-gallon PWC's for a month. ZERO change in nitrAtes.
Sorry for the long post...but I'm stumped. No bioload and nitrAtes....WTH??? Could I do daily 5 gallon PWC's for a few days without stressing my corals? They are perfectly happy at 15ppm, but I have a pair of Picasso clowns on hold and I'm tired of waiting
Oh, before you ask I have confirmed the nitrAte readings by various tests...LOL
Tank cycled August 2008 and my parameters stayed steady until a month ago. I always do a 5 gallon PWC every 2 weeks. I've never had NitrAtes to be's always been 5. However, my 2-year old got pneumonia and ended up in the hospital when my PWC was due and I didn't get to do it until almost 4 weeks apart (didn't worry me). I tested the water and NitrAtes were up to about 15 and I haven't been able to change that for a month now.
I've tried daily PWC's (not 5 gallons, don't want to shock my corals), added Purigen, added Nitra-Zorb, haven't fed the BTA in weeks, and basically done weekly 5-gallon PWC's for a month. ZERO change in nitrAtes.
Sorry for the long post...but I'm stumped. No bioload and nitrAtes....WTH??? Could I do daily 5 gallon PWC's for a few days without stressing my corals? They are perfectly happy at 15ppm, but I have a pair of Picasso clowns on hold and I'm tired of waiting
Oh, before you ask I have confirmed the nitrAte readings by various tests...LOL