Long finned Danios not eating flakes

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 16, 2010
I have a 29 gallon bowfront tank, well planted w/ a mix of live and fake plants. One blk angel, 5 long finned danios, 1 bristle nose pleco, 5 blk phantom tetras, and 2 african dwarf frogs. Ammonia is at zero, temp between 76-78, ph a bit high at 7.6.

Today when I fed my fish, the danios would not eat the flakes. Once the flakes started sinking a little, they would strike at them but not eat them; all other fish are eating just fine. I have been feeding my fish/frogs frozen foods (brine shrimp and emerald entree), so I'm wondering if the danios are telling me that they refuse to eat anything but the "good stuff", or if they're ill. No visible signs of illness on any of the fish, all parameters seem okay, and I change the water once a week.

I did have a blue gourami in the tank up until 3 days ago, then I moved him into his own tank because he was bullying the angel. Could the danios be missing the gourami? :eek: just kidding, but, well, could they?

Any ideas? This is the 1st day they haven't really been eating, so maybe I'm jumping the gun.
You're jumping the gun. Give it time and they will eat. Fish can get picky about food and a sudden change to something less appetizing such as flake can make them avoid it. But when they get really hungry (can take a week or two) they will take to the flake food. I'd still recommend a varied diet for health reasons. Boiled peas are a great snack that is good for their digestive system and I've yet to find a fish that doesn't attack them. Just buy a bag of frozen peas, put a couple in a very shallow bowl of water and stick in the microwave. When the water starts to boil take the bowl out of the microwave and let sit for a couple minutes. Now drain the peas and let them cool for 5-10min.

For feeding I "pop" them one by one into the tank at different places (think of popping a pimple as disgusting as that sounds). The outer shell isn't easily broken and they don't seem to eat it so I don't drop it in the tank, just the soft insides.

No chance it's the missing gourami. :)
I have a school of long finned danios and all eat flake food, in fact they love it. If it helps, I use Tetra Min flakes. I don't see why yours wouldn't eat flakes. Must have been a fluke.
I have a few danios and they did the same thing when I started varying their diet with the brine shrimp. They're fine, just keep feeding them the flakes, they'll eat em.
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