Longfin Rosi Barb with Swim Bladder Disease?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 22, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
I've been googling swim bladder disease and I've read a few symptons and cures but they don't quite fit.

He does have a swollen belly but he's not vertical. He seems to always be in the bubbles from the air pump and I often see him gulping for air and spitting out bubbles. Recently he hangs out under the filter.

I don't think there is an oxygen problem as the surface is always moving and the other fish certainly don't look like they are suffocating.

I tried the pea trick but he won't eat them.

Welcome AA!

How long has the tank been established? Do you know the levels of the water (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate). Also pictures would help diagnose the problem.
Welcome AA!

How long has the tank been established? Do you know the levels of the water (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate). Also pictures would help diagnose the problem.

the tank is at least a month old with weekly 10-20% water changes. it got covered in a brown algae which I read was due to the cycling. I got a couple of oto's who cleared that up over night.

the ammonia is 0ppm and the ph is 6.8 - 7.0 I have to keep my eye on that one. tbh i don't know the nitrite or nitrate which I am going to go out tomorrow to get a testing kit.

pictures to come! i do have him quarantined.
the tank is at least a month old with weekly 10-20% water changes. it got covered in a brown algae which I read was due to the cycling. I got a couple of oto's who cleared that up over night.

the ammonia is 0ppm and the ph is 6.8 - 7.0 I have to keep my eye on that one. tbh i don't know the nitrite or nitrate which I am going to go out tomorrow to get a testing kit.

pictures to come! i do have him quarantined.

How did you test the ammonia? Was it a liquid test or strips? The strips are next to useless so I would suggest you get a liquid test strip. It's a little more work and initial cost but it pays it's self off. Good thinking on qt'ing him.
It is a liquid test and it is def 0ppm.

He's looking a bit worse today as he's now sitting on the bottom of the tank and looks like he's gasping to breathe. He will swim now and then to the surface to get a gulp of air, but i know they are labyrinth fish so this seems really odd.

Going to head out for something to test the nitrites/nitrates.


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well my LFS advised it is most likely bacterial so they suggested I put him down...the deed has been done but not as sad as I thought it would be
If it was swim bladder you could have tried feeding some peas (without skin) and raising the temperature. I must admit though that I rarely see a fish recover completely. I have been feeding one of my tetras peas for about a month and he is better but not 100%.

Sorry for your loss!
I tried the pea trick and he didn't even want to look at them. So I think he was too far gone to save.
I tried the pea trick but he won't eat them.

I guess it would help if I didn't skip that sentence..

If he didn't pick at the peas then you are right, he was too far along already. I have a tetra that has been swimming at a slant for a while now and isn't getting better. He eats peas like they are candy but it doesn't seem to be helping in this case.

Again, sorry for your loss!
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