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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 25, 2004
Geneva, IL
I happened to be in my LFS and noticed a Zebro Pleco. I seen photos of this one with white stripes. The one in my LFS had tan stripes. They wanted $99 for this little guy who's about 2" long. I'm debating weither or not to get him. I think the Zebro Plecos are cool looking. The LFS said he's been there for a while. (Possible to negotiate huh?)

Anyone know about the tan stripes?
Thats alot for a FW fish, plecos are rediculously marked up. I know nothing about tan stripes (sorry)
It might not be a Zebra Pleco. And 99 is a bit much for a fish that could die, if i bouight the fish i would take out an insurance policy on him LOL

Dan :)
I know what you mean about overpricing the pleco's. I purchased a gold nugget pleco for $50! I thought he was cute and I had seen him in the LFS for about 2 or 3 months before I finally gave in and bought him. Then to top it off, the next day he was dead. The fish store refused to give me a full refund even though they have a 48 hour guarentee. They said that they couldn't give me my $50 back but they would give me 10% off of a fish up to $10. So basically I give them $50 for a fish that died and I will get $1 off of a fish. I know I am probably off subject here.
$99 does sound like an awful lot for a Pleco. I don't like paying more than $19.95 for any fish myself. The only freshwater fish I've seen that cost anywhere near $100 were albino discus.
A lot of plecos are expensive, especially the bigger they get. Before making such a purchase, I would compare their tank conditions with mine to see how much acclimation is needed. I would also do a lot of research and make sure that my tank conditions were right for that specific pleco.
I have almost picked one up a couple times, but my head kept telling me it was too much to spend and I was trying to save for a reef.... I would ask about their guarantee/ refund policy. Fishyfanatic's story is a real bummer. :(
gosh i have lucked into a pet store then i saw 2" pleco for 1.99 was just a plain old one but still thats a big jump in price.
What color substrate was the pleco on at the LFS. If I move mine from tank to tank with different gravel, they under go some drastic color changes to blend in. The price seems high, you can buy a lot of neat fish for $99.00 :D
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