Lookin to sell plants

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 28, 2012
Kent, Oh
Have paypal. I'm not sure I want to use it though for transactions. I seen on YouTube that paypal freezes accounts and keeps money.

Has anyone had that problem on here?
My guess is the reason people have their accounts locked is because they tell everyone to use "gift" as the payment option in order to avoid the 3% transaction fee. Paypal tracks how many gift payments you recieve and will lock the account if they feel the gift option has been abused.
I've never had a problem with PayPal.

If you are very new, they may put a hold on funds if you are processing a large $ amount, or they may do it until the payment clears.

Anyway I use it and even get money back every month for doing so.
All they did to me was made me get verified....They apparently count received money towards your unverified account limit of $500, so I hit that limit in a week :lol:
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