Looking for a -COMPLETE- DIY article on light enclosure

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 31, 2004
Arizona, USA
I'm surfed through many forums, many websites, and many articles, but there hasn't been one that has been able to satiate my need in wanting to build my own light enclosure that will be able to fluorescent tubes or power compacts, because the ones you can buy in stores or online are too expensive and maybe they don't fit your needs.

What I'm looking for is an article, with pictures, and step-by-step, and I do mean step-by-step, every single little tidbit, on construction, how to construct, wiring, what to wire, parts, name of the parts or model numbers, where to get the parts, etc. An extensive step-by-step article, every little nook and cranny, so that it is foolproof and you won't be able to mess up. EXACTLY WHAT TO BUY AND EXACTLY HOW TO PUT IT TOGETHER.

NO VAGUE SECTIONS AT ALL. That's been a problem with a lot of the DIY articles that I have read on various things from lights, to tanks, to hoods, to caves, to etc, etc. There's always been a place here or there where I would have questions like, where can I get that now, or how do I put that together. I don't want to be asking questions after I read it, I just want to probably print it out, take it with me on my shopping, buy the stuff I need, come home and put it together.

Does anyone know where I can find any such articles?

to AquariumAdvice.com!!!

The problem I see is most articles are written for the masses, you try and reach as many people as feasible with one article. The article you appear to be looking for would be very specific to one particular lighting scheme only. I am not a DIY person, but we have a couple. Tell us what your after and maybe someone can help.
I agree with Kevin. It is going to be hard to find an all encompassing article that is written specifically for your needs. Most DIY articles are borrowed from different sources and then put together for that individual's needs and wants.

When I built my light hood, I found a picture of what I wanted and then set out on the net to see if I could find any other instructions for how to do it. While I found a few, I would say that 75% of the finished product was of my own design because I could't find what I needed that had been done before.

Let us know what kind of light setup you are wanting and we can help you out.
Well, I'm going to be trying to build a light housing unit for a 55-gallon, so it will be about 48" long, but I don't need that exact build. I just need an article that shows you how to do everything, whether it's a long housing unit or a short one, it doesn't matter, because I can scale down the wood or whatever is used to construct it.

Edit: I was just at Wal-Mart earlier buying some Shrimp Pellets for some of my bottom-dwellers and I saw a GE magnetic ballast for like $10. Are these old-school and not good to use? I vaguely remember reading about how people use electric ballasts or something? Does anyone know?

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