Looking for branchy Driftwood.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 3, 2003
Florida, USA
I'm looking for branchy driftwood for my 30gal.

I've been keeping an eye out on ebay and in Local LFS, but either its grossly overpriced [ 35 dollars for a mediocore stump :roll: ] or not quite what I'm looking for.

I really like driftwood that has a big visial impact [ I.E. branchy ] without taking up much water space.

If anyone has any, knows anyone that has any, or anything send me a PM, cause I'm really wanting to get some so I can write one more thing off the checklist for completing this tank :)[/code]
I live in the Pacific northwest..I burn the stuff your looking for at beach bonfires ^_^
And have even had it tangle in my lines in the canals
You'd have to give a size and figure for shipping. I think I will start collecting this summer though. I refuse to pay over 30 bucks for a piece of wood that is an hour drive away And good kite flying trip!
I want it for my 30gal.

And I would like several brancy pieces that would maybe intertwine with eachtoehr real well.

But no more than.. I say, 12 inches or so tall, by 12 or so deep, byt around...14-20inches long if possible.

Is there any woods I need worry about....most are cedar sequoia, redwood and other woody evergreens as well as maple oak birch, beech and ash. And many I cannot recognize.
It wil be warm enough for our first outing in about 2-3 weeks; something the SIZE of 10 gallon tank then. Notated.. ^_^
I am also looking for driftwood for my 55 gal tank. If anyone has a large piece, please contact me.

Try www.DrsFostrSmit.Com they are having a sale on Mallysian drifftwood a 10-15" piece is only $8.99

African Dristwood is:
6-9" $6.99
9-12" $8.99
12-18" $11.99
18-24" $16.99
24-36" $29.99

hope this helps
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