Looking for help on bottom feeders

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 13, 2013
So I have 3 shrimp and 2 Cory cats in a 30 gallon Hex. I am at 15 fish in the tank and am looking for advice on whether or not I need more cleaners? Algae is low, fish waste is hardly seen...
What are the other fish you have?

If you have room I'd add more corys as they do better in larger numbers, at least 4, 6 is better. No fish eats fish waste, so you have to remove that with substrate vacuums when you do water changes.
I know fish don't eat waste, but shrimp do...

I have 5 penguin tetras, 3 cardinal tetras, 2 Cory cats, 2 mollies, dwarf blue guarami, 2 German blue rams. I also have a large and small bamboo shrimp and at least one algae shrimp if the guarami didn't eat him!
Hex tanks have a fairly small footprint compared to a rectangular 30 gal; I'd say you're overstocked now, I wouldn't add anything else.

I haven't read any definitive evidence that shrimp eat fish waste. It seems to be a misnomer in the hobby. The fish waste might break down into an organic material that the shrimp may then consume and shrimp will sift through detritus on the bottom in search of food, but I don't believe they eat fish waste directly. Even IF they did, 4 shrimp with that many fish would still have a lot of fish waste buildup eventually contributing to bad water quality----particularly for the corys, which have sensitive barbels that can get infected and/or eroded if the substrate isn't clean and smooth.
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