Looking for New Fish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 11, 2016
29 gallon tank with two marble head standers, one gourami, and a bushynose pleco. Looking for one final fish to add in the tank and was wondering what kind would go well with what I already have. I'm not really interested in a small fish like a danio. I thought about a smaller South American cichlid maybe an angel fish but I know there are risks for both. Thoughts?
Hey, I would say angelfish, I personally have a dwarf gourami and angelfish, they go along very well, anglefish can get territorial excpessially if they have babies, but if you only keep one you should be fine, i dont know much about cichlids because they are apperently much more agressive that angelfish, and i have other fish like sword tails, tiger barbs, and tetras so I dont have much knowledge about them. Good luck.!!
A couple questions:
What size is your tank?
Aren't gouramis notorious for nipping at long fins of other fish?
Hello, my tank is a 30 gallon long, and no the dwarf gourami doesnt seem to nip at fins, but the tiger barb nipps at the gourami haha but doesnt get much...
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