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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 5, 2010
Does anyone one know if there is such a thing as an aquarium that isnt very deep? I'm wanting to put one on our kitchen bar, but it cant be deeper than 9 inches. The width and height don't matter too much, but the main support for the bar is only 9 inches or so...
Going by "standard" sizes it looks like you're stuck with 5g :(

Good luck finding something non-standard.
Your best bet is to make one yourself .... You are unlikely to find anything that is 9" deep & still be useful as a fish tank. <I am thinking of those 1 or 2 gal tanks/bowls that should really be banned.>

Having said that, you would need to be very careful in your fish selection in such a shallow tank, even if you make it big enough volume-wise.
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I may just have someone make me one, or attempt to make one myself.....the perfect size would be 40"Long x 9"High x 12"Wide.
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