Kinda new here (I have been lurking for a few years off an on but not yet active). I've kept various fw tanks since I was about 9 (best Christmas present ever!) and I have set up 2 sw nanos that never quite got to the point of getting fish due to outside issues coming up that forced me to take them down.
Anyhoo, now that life is more settled I'd like to get back into keeping aquariums and have been looking around at the "all in one" nano systems. All the popular systems (JBJ, Oceanic, ect.) pretty much seem to be on the same level from what I've read and they would all require at least a little diy for me to be happy. Not a huge deal cause I am all over just about anything diy. I just don't have the luxury of space and basic tools in which to work with right now.
In my searching I came across some info about the Nano Wave 9 by Aqua Medic that seems to be exactly what I am looking for. Just googling it I've mostly only found alot of pages with copy/pasted info from the manufacturer and very few actual user reviews. I have heard that Aqua Medic is a good brand for parts so I assume a tank designed by them would be good as well. So, I'm just wondering if any of you guys own one or know someone who owns one that could throw some opinions in on it.
With something like this I like to write out my pros vs. cons and go with what will work best. So far this wins against all the other brands(that I could reasonably afford anyways).
Cost (found online for about $150-200, but I have heard it has a retail of $90 which would be worth looking in to with a local dealer)
Easily customizable and cleanable filtration with included ventri skimmer and sump light (perk of not having to scrape off the back paint and rig up a light)
Comes with enough lighting power for anything I would be comfortable keeping (2x24w pc = ~5wpg) and moonlighting
Well designed, full coverage hood with feeding door plus the front hood is fully hinged and separate hinged top over the filtration (I have 2 very curious cats that already have a few dead fish to their names so anything without a full coverage top is not an option for me)
Foreign made so it might be hard to get replacement parts if the need arises (but I am decent at diy/rigging up alternatives so I could just "make" a replacement)
A bit smaller water volume then what I had been looking at
From what I read, it will definitely need a mod to keep the lights cooler
I don't think the filtration intake has openings at the top for surface skimming (should be an easy mod if needed, and an excuse to finally buy myself a dremel
Will probably need an added powerhead, but what doesn't
All in all, it looks like my best bet. I am by no means sold on it yet though, so if anyone has a rave review of another system that would be welcome too.
Links for reference:
Mini-reef Aquarium - Nano Wave 9 - Aqua Medic
NanoReef Tanks , Oceanic Bio Cube
=Jwin's 9 GALLON MANTIS CUBE - Nano Wave 9 - 3reef Forums
Kinda new here (I have been lurking for a few years off an on but not yet active). I've kept various fw tanks since I was about 9 (best Christmas present ever!) and I have set up 2 sw nanos that never quite got to the point of getting fish due to outside issues coming up that forced me to take them down.
Anyhoo, now that life is more settled I'd like to get back into keeping aquariums and have been looking around at the "all in one" nano systems. All the popular systems (JBJ, Oceanic, ect.) pretty much seem to be on the same level from what I've read and they would all require at least a little diy for me to be happy. Not a huge deal cause I am all over just about anything diy. I just don't have the luxury of space and basic tools in which to work with right now.
In my searching I came across some info about the Nano Wave 9 by Aqua Medic that seems to be exactly what I am looking for. Just googling it I've mostly only found alot of pages with copy/pasted info from the manufacturer and very few actual user reviews. I have heard that Aqua Medic is a good brand for parts so I assume a tank designed by them would be good as well. So, I'm just wondering if any of you guys own one or know someone who owns one that could throw some opinions in on it.
With something like this I like to write out my pros vs. cons and go with what will work best. So far this wins against all the other brands(that I could reasonably afford anyways).
Cost (found online for about $150-200, but I have heard it has a retail of $90 which would be worth looking in to with a local dealer)
Easily customizable and cleanable filtration with included ventri skimmer and sump light (perk of not having to scrape off the back paint and rig up a light)
Comes with enough lighting power for anything I would be comfortable keeping (2x24w pc = ~5wpg) and moonlighting
Well designed, full coverage hood with feeding door plus the front hood is fully hinged and separate hinged top over the filtration (I have 2 very curious cats that already have a few dead fish to their names so anything without a full coverage top is not an option for me)
Foreign made so it might be hard to get replacement parts if the need arises (but I am decent at diy/rigging up alternatives so I could just "make" a replacement)
A bit smaller water volume then what I had been looking at
From what I read, it will definitely need a mod to keep the lights cooler
I don't think the filtration intake has openings at the top for surface skimming (should be an easy mod if needed, and an excuse to finally buy myself a dremel
Will probably need an added powerhead, but what doesn't
All in all, it looks like my best bet. I am by no means sold on it yet though, so if anyone has a rave review of another system that would be welcome too.
Links for reference:
Mini-reef Aquarium - Nano Wave 9 - Aqua Medic
NanoReef Tanks , Oceanic Bio Cube
=Jwin's 9 GALLON MANTIS CUBE - Nano Wave 9 - 3reef Forums