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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 12, 2008
Nova Scotia, Canada
yesterday after reading one of the posts on here about the different critters running around in your tank i went down and had a look a look at my tank, i found 3 mini brittle stars and a couple of feather dusters. it is incredible the amount of life that is in there.
Yep, just wait a few more months. You can also take a peek at the night life. Use a red lens over a flashlight and you will really be surprised!
If you can, wait till about 1-2 hours after lights out. I bought a little cheepy red lens flashlight at wal-mart, for like $15 or so.
Oh, not sure if they have wal-mart north of the friendliest border in the world.
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There are walmarts in Canada hehe. Are you kidding, walmart is everywhere!

I agree with Scott though, wait a few months until your tank matures and all the stuff that is too small to see now will start growing and you'll be amazed. I have (had) stuff popping up in my tank years after I set it up.
As the others said you`ll see all kinds of life. You`ll be very surprised. I was.
lol yes their are many walmarts up here, there are 4 within 20 minutes of my house. i will definatly pick up a red light and have a look.
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