lr and sump

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 14, 2005
Feasterville Pa
I don't have a sump yet but was wondering when you add one do you have to increase the amount of lr as well? ie 20g sump = 20+lbs lr? or does that only apply to display tank? i know it is a good idea to add lr rubble to the sump, but how much?
I would only be concerned with adding more liverock if you are increasing the bioload as well. The water volume itself doesnt need the extra LR.
The more live rock the better.

I had about 50lbs in a 20 H and I never had any problems.

I just set up my 71 and it already has 150lbs in the main and 25lbs in the sump.

when the tank is ready all the contents of the 20 are going over into the 72 so that will be another 50lbs making it 225 total. And I'll fill the sump with LR until no more will fit.

IMO, Live rock gives you a healthy System. Your rock will make you or break you.

If you don't want to pony up the cash for LR for the sump just get some base rock and put it down there, it will turn into live rock in a months time. Remember, all the little critters that live in the rock are just a added bonus, what you really want is the bacteria and that stuff reproduces like MAD until it can't sustain itself and then it will stay at a healthy level.......sooooooooooo the more LR or base rock the better.

Do you have to increase the amount of LR though? Nah you are okay.
well i actually don't have room for a sump at this point. my current stand will not fit one and i live in an apartment so i don't really have the extra room to set one on the side. i am going to add more lr in time though.
Jason I understand the more rock the better, but can't you get to a point where there isn't even room for fish to swim? I guess it takes ALOT of rock to get to that point...
Jason I understand the more rock the better, but can't you get to a point where there isn't even room for fish to swim? I guess it takes ALOT of rock to get to that point...

LOL yeah I guess so. I always forget that people put fish in there systems that have to swim around. I'm more on the coral side, not so much on the fish side.
You dont need it in your sump. When you say sump you`re talking about refuge,right. All I have in mine is live sand ,mud and Grape Calerpa. Have a good day
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