Lr setup in 150g

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 5, 2013
I recently changed from a 110g tall saltwater aquarium to a 150g wide saltwater aquarium.
The dimensions are 51" by 27" by 24" I believe.
I have had my tank up and running with the built in sump(bio balls, filter media, and big protein skimmer), and also a wet/dry filter underneath the tank.
There are two powerheads on either side of the tank (not including both Sump returns).
My livestock is 18" Snowflake eel, 2" algae blenny, a 3.5" Yellow Angelfish, and a 3" Sand-sifting Goby.
Every time I try to get a new fish ( like the yellow angelfish) which I bought 2 days ago.

My point is that every time I buy a new fish it seems to always get himself stuck in a rock and either die then, or die from the cuts they possess.
Like my Yellow angel for instance, woke up this morning to find him with his body stuck upside down in the rocks:(

He has cuts near his gills and I am worried about him, I have not seen him eat yet even though I gave him an algae clip, mysis shrimp and brine shrimp.

Is it my rock setup that is bad? If so how do I need to position them?

Or is it just a dumb fish?

My water parameters are good with only the PH being a little low at about 8.

I have Green Mushroom coral,also long leather coral, and 2 Condy anemones.

Any help is wanted, Thanks

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Rock looks fine but I'd say you have a problem somewhere. New fish shouldn't act the way you describe it. Have you checked for amonia in your tank? Is your eel super agressive and is scaring the new fish into hiding? Something in the enviroment isn't right if this happens to more than one fish...
All parameters are in check , every time I get a new fish they swim around and generally look great.

The eel always chases around the new fish.
The eel chasing fish and the fish being scraped on the rock go hand in hand IMO. Eels hunt at night, fish sleep at night. I'd be willing to bet your eel finds a sleeping fish, spooks it and the fish gets scared, scraping itself and dies.
Thanks. Happened to many times
Snowy has to go :(
Any ideas on how to catch a huge snowflake eel?!?
I think you would be ok with bigger fish and keep the eel

If you have to get rid of him I suggest either a trap or a small trident

Piece of PVC capped at one end that you put krill for a few weeks then when he is inside put a net over the top and wait
Sorry got cut off... Wait for him to go in then put the net on the open end.

Or just wait he will eventually be in your sump :)
How much bigger of fish?
Because I had a 4" Sailfin tang that died the same fate about a week ago. Since it's not a long tank idk how large of fish I can keep
How often do you feed your snowflake?? Shouldn't be chasing around fish if it's well fed.. Mines swims around at night, but he doesn't try and eat anything..
Sounds about right.. Have u tried maybe every 2 days, with 3 or so silversides?
I will. Just shakin around silversides in a tank raise up my nitrates pretty quick so I try to limit him as much as I can.
Wow picket you can get live glass shrimp and skewer them for him.

I had an eel once and I never fed him fish ( only shrimp) with the idea that if he never got the taste of fish he would not see them as food. And leave "my" fish alone. It worked well until I fed live sheepshead minnows to the tank. After that he ate all my damsels :)
I feed mines squid as well, along with shrimp and krill.. Like to keep a variety
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