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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 13, 2011
He tanks I have been seeing here seem to stack the live n base rock starting at the center then branch out from there. I spread mine out and connect them making Caves and gaps. Does it matter?
Nope, as long as it's stable and won't fall down then go for it. :)

I start the bottom layer first then add as i go to build up.
+1 for carey, try to put the bottom LR onto the tank bottom then add the sand afterwards especially if you add any sand sifters or burrowers
David S said:
+1 for carey, try to put the bottom LR onto the tank bottom then add the sand afterwards especially if you add any sand sifters or burrowers

Good idea didn't think of that but makes sense
Yup! I have mine with huge caves and am going to add more and stack them on the sides. Good Luck!!!!!
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