Made a mistake buying plants - urgh!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 27, 2003
New York
Wow--you live and you learn.

I mistakenly quickly purchased to sets of plants - varegaed acorus and red arrowhead, both of which I found out later were not "true aquatic" plants, but instead are terranium plants. And of course, you can't return them. So my question is, is there ANY potential of maintaining them successfully in a planted tank? And, if so, what's the best way of doing so.

I should've done the research I normally do before buying plants, but, oh well, I live and I learn I guess.

the arrowhead will grow in an aquarium just fine ... the only thing it needs from you is room to grow ... I have a 'green' arrowhead, and it has grown over 2ft tall in my goldfish storage tank which is open topped with lights hung above

i tried growing in a covered aquarium, but the fish kept eating it's leaves (which were dipping into the water from hitting the glass canopy)

the varegaeded probably is more marginal than the arrowhead, and will not appericate having to grow up out of the water ... you could get one of those "breed 'n show" plastic containers that hang inside the tank and separate bettas / sick fish from the rest of the tank ... fill it like a layered cake with gravel, "pond soil" and gravel and put your plant in it ... should do good for you

you should be able to find "pond soil" at places that sell pond supplies - failing that you could buy more expensive flourite or laterite-type products and use them


I made a similar mistake a few weeks back, and I even knew it as soon as I left the store *doh* ... I bought 3 bunches of "mondo grass" ... well, the grass is now sharing a planter with a diffenbachia and seems to be doing well on "dry land"
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