Maintaining A quaratine Tank???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 28, 2011
Casper, Wy
Do you do it? and how?

I have done some research on this and see mixed results across the bored, some do, some don't, and just set up the tank as needed using activated carbon and such, and others just don't use one at all. :confused:

I was just thinking about it tonight and the thought having the tank cycle on a new fish would be outrageous IMO, give me your thoughts pro's and con's of doing so.
You don't need to keep it up or cycle it every time..I just keep an HOB running on my DT and when i know i'll be QTing i put some media in it to build up the bacteria ....Then place that on the QT..I even use a few chunks of LR from my DT
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