Major color change in Kenyi

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 26, 2012
In a about 2 weeks time my Kenyi coloring has changed so dramatic. All the levels in the tank are where they should be. I have treated for ick. And did a 80% water change. Any suggestions?



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Have you had the kenyi for two weeks total. Treating a healthy fish for disease can be stressful.
No have had him over a month. Color change has came over the last week- 2 weeks.
This species is dimorphic meaning the male and females have different colors. As juveniles they will have blue/black vertical stripes and have a light blue color with brighter blue in the fins. Females will stay this blue color throughout life. The male will start to turn yellow, which is completely normal.
Not a stressed fish at all, Hukit is exactly right. This is why you should properly research the fish before you buy. So when perfectly normal things like this happens there is no panic or confusion.
I'm confused why your initial reaction was ich? Nothing at all even remotely resembles ich. The above 2 posters are dead on, it's a male maturing.
HUKIT said:
This species is dimorphic meaning the male and females have different colors. As juveniles they will have blue/black vertical stripes and have a light blue color with brighter blue in the fins. Females will stay this blue color throughout life. The male will start to turn yellow, which is completely normal.

I agree totally the one that is changing colors is a male and he is changing to his adult male color, looks like you have a male and female, and they are reaching sexual maturity. You might want to do some reading about their breeding habits if you haven't already so you know what to look for and how your female will act if she is holding eggs.
It is also possible, given that you've had them for a month, that you have two females and the dominate (usually larger) female is taking on some male coloration to display her dominance. This is also perfectly normal in Kenyi, especially if there is no male in the tank. While I agree that the most likely explaination is male showing dominant colors, the faint blue tint retained by the fish, might also indicate a female taking on dominant coloration.
Wy Renegade said:
It is also possible, given that you've had them for a month, that you have two females and the dominate (usually larger) female is taking on some male coloration to display her dominance. This is also perfectly normal in Kenyi, especially if there is no male in the tank. While I agree that the most likely explaination is male showing dominant colors, the faint blue tint retained by the fish, might also indicate a female taking on dominant coloration.

Thats what I was thinking too my female kenyi took on the male coloring.
I've found in my experiences that female Kenyi will not so much take on the yellow coloring but more so just fade their black stripes.
bcurlacher54 said:
its a male, thats why it changed colors.

I agree, with the juveniles they will retain female colors until they start reaching sexual maturity and then they change to their male colors. That's what this fishy looks like to me. Could be wrong is just my opinion.
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