malawi problems

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 9, 2005
United Kingdom
hi guys got 126 litre tank with 2 yellow malawi in it , today added 2 red and 2 blue malawi to it and the existing male keeps chasing the new ones, the guy said they are not territorial they are peacfull fish it will be ok :roll:
the guy said they are not territorial they are peacfull fish it will be ok
I agree with the rolling eyes!
You need to know the sex ratio in the tank and also let us know (or a pic would be better) of how the tank is set up. 126L is roughly 31 gallons, which is a small tank for Malawi cichlids. I have heard of the "Malawi" cichlid, but Malawi is also a lake in which thousands of cichlids can be found. A species name would be very helpful and then we can give more specific advice.
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