Male Mollies... are STUPID.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
okay so I put all my fish in the 20 gal, put a tank divider up to separate the baby males from the rest of the tank. Well some of them can squeeze through the sides of it. So the really tiny ones can get through, I have no problem with one or two getting out. Well, Gizmo, he was the biggest at one point than all the other fish, decided he'd try to jump the gun and got himself stuck and died. Moral of the stories: Male hormones lead male mollies to their demise. *Closes book*
LOL. Puriti sorry to hear about your loss. At least you have a sense of humour when things don't go well.
Yeah well when it's not my fault and their own stupidity you can't help but laugh at them... Not that I don't feel bad but still.
I had a few Marigold Swordtails slip through the side of the barrier as well, but for some reason, the parents didn't seem to touch them.

I thought livebearers were the worst for eating their babies.

I just had to adjust the sides so that the passage is tighter and smaller. The barrier kinda fits in there on an angle, so I am able to adjust the tension on the sides by making it slightly straighter.
Well, these guys are going on 4 months old, just that the pipsqueaks can squeeze their way through and the bigger ones are trying to squeeze through. Gizmo will be missed and he was still stupid.
my "male" ex desided to stick his head over my 20 gal (at the time my eel was small) the 20 is on a shelfving unit so theres a shelf above the tank, sticks his head in over the top of the tank and say "hi whodini " waving his nose back and forth, till whodini had enough and came out of the water and attacked Ki's nose and wouldn't let go!!!!!!!!!!! heeheeehee whodini chomp marks are still on his nose till this day (happened 3years ago) dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! male ARE stupid!!!!
Well, i haven't experienced any losses yet, but I can imagine it hurts (even if it was from his own stupidity). Sorry to hear about your loss...RIP Gizmo.
Elmware said:
I thought livebearers were the worst for eating their babies.

The egg bearers seem to be the worst I've seen so far. My swordtails tend to act like the fry don't exist. I even had one swordtail I knew was about to pop, but was looking pretty sick, so I quarentined her. She spent 2 days refusing to eat, then one day I look in the bucket, and there she is staring at me in a cloud of fry, begging for food. Never touched any of them from what I can tell.

Sorry to hear about the loss Puriti, and I'd have to agree with Jchillin. It's not a molly thing, it's a male thing.

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