Maybe i'm a dork...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 8, 2005
New York
but i just realized that if you track your water paramters in Microsoft Excel you can chart and graph the changes (hopefully none). I don't know why you'd want to do this...but since my 10 gallon is relatively seems helpful.
Why would u be dork for doing that; sounds like a good idea so if have an ammonia spike or somethin u can have it documented and mabe be able to find out whats wrong. i would say it would be helpful.
I wish that I knew excel well enough to do all that. I am pretty darn internet literate. And even word literate. But I haven't got a clue as to how. I would like to track more than just my water parameters. I'd track my fish as well. Where I got them from, when, size, sex, spawns, etc. etc. etc.

Actually, if anyone is reading this and uses excel to track their tanks, and wouldn't mind giving away your tanks info, could you e-mail me a copy of your sheet so that I could see how to do this?
I'd like a copy as well. I currently do the same thing, but I'd be interested to see how others chart their information.
FNJnaX said:
I'd like a copy as well. I currently do the same thing, but I'd be interested to see how others chart their information.

Coming right up!

mentallylost said:
Dang Jchillin, looks like we all want some of you.
How does it feel to be wanted?

Well, if you guys had remained quiet....LOL.
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