maybe new law on importation in the USA

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 7, 2011
This is a bummer. Hard to fight except by petition, letters and rallies. But much like Biden's Rave Act of 1999, I'm sure whoever stands to profit will manage to supersede the will of the people(that act was rejected and fought twice before it was passed as part of the infamous Patriot Act)

I bet this law is more about keeping out invasive species rather than screwing over fish keepers. Invasive fish are a big issue in many places. I think asian carp are one of them.
In California we can't legally own hedgehogs or ferrets, why? Because they could threaten our native species, yet no feral hedgehog populations exist in the US so what's the point?

Furthermore goldfish are an invasive species. Figure that out for me.
In California we can't legally own hedgehogs or ferrets, why? Because they could threaten our native species, yet no feral hedgehog populations exist in the US so what's the point?

Furthermore goldfish are an invasive species. Figure that out for me.

I'm not saying I agree with the law. I'm just saying something like that happens, and everyone gets scared. It's kinda like the gun ban issue. I'm really surprised Florida doesn't have a ban on keeping snakes. Seems like they have a big problem with constrictors. Or at least that's what is always on TV.
I'm not saying I agree with the law. I'm just saying something like that happens, and everyone gets scared. It's kinda like the gun ban issue. I'm really surprised Florida doesn't have a ban on keeping snakes. Seems like they have a big problem with constrictors. Or at least that's what is always on TV.

I'm not trying to call you out I'm just impassioned.

Many people still import these pets over state lines and avoid regulation, thus enhancing the possibilities of infectious diseases being unnoticed or unreported.

The Rave Act I mentioned was the most misguided and retarded piece of legislation and I fought tooth and nail for 3 years to prevent it being passed(successfully at least twice) until the gov screwed us hard. Forgive my pessimism.
It's the inability of two sides to ever learn to compromise. Environmentalist vs pet industry or drug war vs culture censure ship.

Being an 80's child in the USA is confusing. So much to love, so much to fear
I'm not trying to call you out I'm just impassioned.

Many people still import these pets over state lines and avoid regulation, thus enhancing the possibilities of infectious diseases being unnoticed or unreported.

The Rave Act I mentioned was the most misguided and retarded piece of legislation and I fought tooth and nail for 3 years to prevent it being passed(successfully at least twice) until the gov screwed us hard. Forgive my pessimism.

I agree outlawing anything can always creat a black market. With a black market comes deregulation on quality or health. It is always a tough issue with stuff like this. Take weed for example. The illegal growing of pot pollutes 10x the space it takes to grow it. I don't really approve of it being legal, but so many problems are caused by making it illegal.
Great example. The positives and negatives oflegalization are both long lists of very valid points.

I'm in California as I stated, and the damage to our national parks by illegal growing was deplorable. Not that legalization for medical use stopped the problem of outdoor guerrilla growers, but the market is now flooded by higher quality indoor grown pot. If you ask me, a 28 year old Californian, medical legalization in our state in the last 11 years has made each and every small time pot dealer go out of business, because prices are the cheapest of my lifetime and quality and selection at clubs are unbeatable. The availability of most street drugs like mushrooms(for example) is also at an all time low. These were the fringe items small dealers sold to pot customers. Basic retail theory when you have a business degree (I do, and own my
own tiny but successful business)

The nearly 100% cuts by Schwarzenegger to the funding of our national parks has instead fueled massive homeless populations in the parks.

My town is called Santa Cruz, a mid size town sandwiched between coastline and mountain ranges of old growth redwoods. We had our local police do a "flush" of parks to displace the new masses of homeless encampments out mid-winter as some campfires had recently escalated to home-destroying wildfires.

Well I am a professional dog walker/trainer by day and walking around downtown is now like being in the San Francisco tenderloin district. Not sure where the scariest part of NYC is but I feel pretty sure I'm the most sober and sane adult for miles.

As a pet sitter, to try to remain on topic, I occasionally care for rabbits or pet rodents. Hasn't happened to me yet, but how could I refuse to care for a hedgehog or ferret? Both pets my cousins have(Chicago and New York) and I love to handle. My insurance wouldn't cover any vet care or bodily damage to me or my staff, at least I would be wary of reporting a claim should the family's pet be confiscated.

I also care for aquariums and plan to grow this part of my business in 2013. if this legislation passed it could affect my business plan and bottom line. I am glad I heard about it.

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