Mbuna overstock question...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 30, 2013
Have 11 mbuna in my 55 gal tank and am wanting to get maybe 2 or 3 more females jus to make a better m/f ratio for a breeding colony! I'm wondering if this might be going overboard... I have 2 over the back filters made for 75 gal and I do a 50% wwc... Can anyone give me their thoughts on this? Thanks!
No that would be fine I think it's usually recommended to overstock I would do 15 mbuna in a 55 gallon.
I knew tht it was good to overstock mbuna but I didn't know if tht was to much... Thanks for the advice!
I think I have 3 males and 9 females but there's 2 of the thought to be females tht I'm not 100% sure of... I need to vent them but their to small...
Oh nice your tank should work out extremely well then probably won't have really any aggression issues with that many females.
It's gone pretty well already! And one more question.. Would my ratio still be ok if I were to get 1 more male and 2 females? I was wanting to get a male yellow lab and 2 female yellow labs because I already have 1 female yellow lab and I've heard that yellow labs are CRAZY breeders! I would like to have 1 male and 3 female yellow labs...
That would be fine to add 1 male and 2 females labs are pretty calm for mbuna and he shouldn't cause any issues.
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