Mbuna Stocking Options

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 17, 2013
While I'm waiting for my 58 gallon to cycle Im trying to decide on a stocklist of compatible fish. I want a good mix of colors. After doing a ton of research this is what I've come up with but I would love thoughts/advice as I am a newbie:)
Option 1- less aggressive community
Yellow Labs or Perlmutt labs (not both as I am aware of crossbreeding risk)
Yellow tail acei
Cynotilapia Afra
About 4 of each species hopefully in a one male to three female ratio.

Option 2-more agressive
Red Zebra
Bumble bees

Suggestions on numbers? Any that will absolutely not work or any others that will make good additions?
As of now, I'm leaning toward the less aggressive option but haven't found any really nice bright blue species that would be compatible- all to agressive!
The bumblebee get to big its like 8in maybe bigger .. the acei are really too big and need more swimming space as well.. you can do like 15-18 an be good ... here is what i would do

5 yellow labs.
5 melanochromis maingano (looks like johanni but arent aggressive and females arent orange)
5 cynotilipia afras
1-2 synodontis (1 depending on size preferrably the dwarf petricola as they stay smaller and you can have 2)

Also the mainganos are kinda hard to find locally a they usually are the johannis but you can find them online and on aquabid.com
Thanks! It's settled then. Definitely going with the more peaceful community. I'm a little bummed to hear that aceis won't work:( They are my favorite! I guess it's off to LSF to see what I can find. Unfortunately lots of places where I live have the dreaded "assorted african cichlids" tank. Lol I may have to look into purchasing online (just wish shipping wasnt so stinking expensive!)
Thanks! It's settled then. Definitely going with the more peaceful community. I'm a little bummed to hear that aceis won't work:( They are my favorite! I guess it's off to LSF to see what I can find. Unfortunately lots of places where I live have the dreaded "assorted african cichlids" tank. Lol I may have to look into purchasing online (just wish shipping wasnt so stinking expensive!)

I never done it but I know it's worth it and you will have a better selection and find more exclusive mbuna instead of the norm. Davesfish.com
Yeah they can get big like 5-6 inches. Have yours reached maturity yet?

My P. Crabro was one inch about two months ago. Now he's at least 4 inches in length and very chunky. Very fast grower and super personality. I haven't seen any aggression yet, but he's still a baby so we'll see.
Thanks! It's settled then. Definitely going with the more peaceful community. I'm a little bummed to hear that aceis won't work:( They are my favorite! I guess it's off to LSF to see what I can find. Unfortunately lots of places where I live have the dreaded "assorted african cichlids" tank. Lol I may have to look into purchasing online (just wish shipping wasnt so stinking expensive!)

Where do you live? Thats what depends on the shipping for example davesfish.com is in texas Im in louisiana shipping overnight is like $80 n next day is $40 also depends on what fish and how many you order.. i have ordered from daves 2 times... but i have also bought my mainganos from aquabid.com from a seller in florida with priority shipping and all arrived alive and he added extras dave sends what you pay for as he is a business he prolly cant afford to give fish away. Then i have ordered from floridatropicalfishdirect.com shipping wasnt bad i ordered like 19 fish and they sent 27 plus a bag of food.. but i tried to order from cichlidsarespecial.com(i think is what it was ) but he said shipping would cost me way to much since he is somewhere up north.
Yeah they can get big like 5-6 inches. Have yours reached maturity yet?

That's him he's the second biggest to my red zebra and yea I think he hit maturity he just recently started harassing my female rusty


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Where do you live? Thats what depends on the shipping for example davesfish.com is in texas Im in louisiana shipping overnight is like $80 n next day is $40 also depends on what fish and how many you order.. i have ordered from daves 2 times... but i have also bought my mainganos from aquabid.com from a seller in florida with priority shipping and all arrived alive and he added extras dave sends what you pay for as he is a business he prolly cant afford to give fish away. Then i have ordered from floridatropicalfishdirect.com shipping wasnt bad i ordered like 19 fish and they sent 27 plus a bag of food.. but i tried to order from cichlidsarespecial.com(i think is what it was ) but he said shipping would cost me way to much since he is somewhere up north.

Thank you! I just checked out Daves and aquabid. Looks like aquabid might be the way to go if I can ever get this tank cycled! GRrrrr
Ebay has some to just not sure how good they really are.. i ordered my crawfish /crayfish there and it was ok i have even ordered shrimp that were fine until my betta ate all of them :/

You could also check on here some members breed and sell the fry
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