Me and my crazy fish!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 24, 2003
West Virginia
You all gonna love this one. You know the kind of problems I have had with my fish in the past like the paradise fish jumping out of the tank and into the sink and laying there for god knows how long.....but to get right to it.....I was taking pictures to send to my brother in law of the tank and of the snow we have been having and I opened the top of the tank and was getting them to bunch up at the top when all of a sudden I heard a big splash and a fish flying threw the air....I must say what they say about Hatchet fish are true.......they can fry at least 4 ft out of the water!!!!!!! Right onto the carpet! Floppin' around....I grabbed him and plopped him back in.....I about died! Well so much for leaving the lid open for more than 3 minutes!!!!!!!!!!lol :lol: tank lids and fish like Hatchetfish (Gasteropelecus and Carnegiella) or African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi) are often a disastrous combination. Same goes for open tank lids and most killifish! Glad you were there to rescue yours!!
This was the first time he ever has done anything like that ....maybe it was the excitement of thinking he might get fed~ I dont know. But I have gone off and left the lid completely off while cleaning and nobody ever jumped! Maybe I just have suicidal fish??? :lol:
This is the picture of the escape fish minutes after being thrown back in the tank! I would jump out if one of those cats got after him!
I lost a pretty big pleco that way, too, which I thought was odd. I didn't picture a pleco being a very active fish that could jump out of a tank.

I had left the lid off the tank while I went to the LFS to get some supplies for the water change I was doing. About a week later I wondered where my algae eater was. I looked all around the tank, and ended up finding him on the floor behind the tank.
Yeh and you know what I really think that he wants to escape! I started to feed them this evening and he jumped straight up in the air about a foot and right back down into the water.....I'm gonna loose that stupid fish yet!!!!LOL
Just be glad you don't have a Bala Shark.

If it wasn't for having two light strips on my glass hood [ I have one on the back part, and another on the front part that I have to move to feed. effectively weighing down both halfs of the hood ] he would have gotten out of my tank thrice over already.

He jumps so hard that he hits the glass, and makes the glass AND the light fixture jump up and slam back down.

What is it with these wackjob fish that want to do allittle accelerated evolution into birds? :p
Oh gosh dont tell me that. I was thinking of getting one.I know that they are pretty crazy and active. You should see my friends one. It has lost its mind if it ever had one. The first thing that is wrong with him he is flighty in the nervous kind of way. One of my other friends gave him to this friend and he didnt have a net to get him out so he caught him with his hands....I guess that would make me a little gun shy too but I mean this fish is crazy!

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