Meandering mushroom

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 27, 2006
St Petersburg FL
I just got a lonely single Ricordea mushroom a couple of days ago. it was only attached to a few small pieces of coral rubble (pea sized pieces). I put the mushroom on a ledge on my LR and it "walked" off the ledge onto the substrate! Only about 2 inches down so no harm done, and landed right side up. Either that or the current blew it off but I don't think that was the case. Should I leave it on the sediment or put it back on the rock? I'm wondering if it was trying to move off of the little rock bits and onto the larger rock and (being a coral) didn't realize there was an edge....
Did the rubble base fall with it or did it detach from the rubble?

I'd say put it back on the ledge. Maybe you can put a touch of super glue on the rubble (assuming its still attached) and place it again. Most likley the current, a snail or hermit could have pushed it off easily.
Probably blew off with the flow. I have some mushrooms that are living on the substrate but you might be better having him grow and multiply on a rock. There are several ways to get them to attach to rock.
I agree...put it back on the rock....I would be a bit worried about using super glue on it though. If you have a low flow area of the tank that has good light you could set it on a larger peice of LR rubble and see if it will grab ahold. I have had several mushrooms "let go" and end up on the sand. I put them on rubble in the fuge until that grab hold and put them back in the tank or sell them.
Can mushrooms uproot? I had one just diappear one day, was a color variant of ricordia I think (it looks like my more ocmmon maroon and green ricordia, had very bland colors though, was a hitchiker)
They are like anemones if they don't like the where they are they can and will move....I have one that just will not stay put, everytime it moves it leaves babies behind....

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