Midas Spawn!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 18, 2013
So my Midas has spawned I believe but not sure as If it is male or female and as well the Midas is the one protecting the eggs . It's a the only Midas in my tank . Is the male or female the one that will guard the eggs ?ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388942737.748402.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388942753.821954.jpg
So my Midas has spawned I believe but not sure as If it is male or female and as well the Midas is the one protecting the eggs . It's a the only Midas in my tank . Is the male or female the one that will guard the eggs ?

Gotta be female. I can't see a male Midas watching over another fish's eggs for them, they're not that nice. If there's no pair in there and that was a male, the eggs would be gone. What else u got in the tank with it?
A female Venestsus is about 4 inches , 2 burundi (12inches Male and 7 inch female and one birchardi. They are in a 120 .
I'm not having any in ordinary aggression either , and only one I could see is with Venestsus female ? I doubt frontosa and birchardi way too small
It's a female guarding the eggs she laid.... and all your other fish are African, I'd switch up your stock
So there is only one Midas? And it has eggs? I'm confused. Did you just get this fish?

Some African and South American can be kept together successfully. Just because it not text book dosent mean its impossible.
I have had no problem and I got this Midas when a baby as well as others . Barely any aggression , even with this spawn happening , the Midas is guarding but fight with others .
And yea only 1 Midas , but can some clearly distinguish for sure wether it's male or female ?
And the eggs have stayed clear not gone milky or fungus , but I just noticed last night , so that would mean fertilized ?
How did it spawn if it's the only Midas in the tank? Wouldn't it make more sense that the frontosa spawned...because there is a male AND female?
Yeah but Midas cross easy from what I heard , as well I do agree with about it would be more plausible that it was frontosa but they aren't guarding .?! I'm not sure lol
Ya very weird. I have NO experience in breeding. I'm just trying to help. As for sexing you should be able to figure it out by posting pics in the cichlid section. Usually they have the hump...so maybe it's a female seeing how it has no hump.
So there is only one Midas? And it has eggs? I'm confused. Did you just get this fish?

Some African and South American can be kept together successfully. Just because it not text book dosent mean its impossible.

Yeah, but it's not an Oscar or Jack Dempsey... it's a Midas. Once that Midas flips that psychotic switch, it'll be all over for her tankmates. And I'm no breeding expert, but I believe females can lay eggs with no male present... there just won't be anyone to fertilize them so they`ll probably just end up as fish food.
Oh, see I have no breeding experience. I have had tons of cichlids for over 5 years, and never seen eggs!
The Midas is fairly mild manner , and it's been in the tank now with them for quite some time . And if the eggs are fertilized , about how long will it be to hatching and or if they are not about how long till they go milky and or fungus ?
But I have heard stories of Midas being super aggressive
She can lay eggs with no male present. They just won't be fertile.

Many Central American fish (like your midas) can hybridize easily with other species.... but I really don't think it is plausible in this case, given that all your other cichlids do not even originate from the same continent.
If that is your entire stock its 100% female. There is no way for the midevil to cross with any of those. Also if she is just reaching maturity i would keep a close eye on her as the aggression is going to show soon.
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