Milwaukee MA957 CO2 Regulator setup on eSeasonGear

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 24, 2011
San Jose, CA
I'm about to venture into pressurized CO2 from no CO2 at all. Does anyone have experience with this setup? I plan on using a 5ga bottle with it. This will run a 29g bowfront 96W T5HO split into 2ea 48W tube sets.
Hi Rookie - so how do you like it... any issues or things I should know about? There are tons of diffusers out there, any recommendaton on what I should pick?
love it... no issues. I DIY'd a reactor... that's my preferred method as there are no bubbles in the tank that way. If you don't want to go that route, a glass diffuser is a good method.
mfdrookie516 said:
love it... no issues. I DIY'd a reactor... that's my preferred method as there are no bubbles in the tank that way. If you don't want to go that route, a glass diffuser is a good method.

Do you have any experience with the Mr. Aqua diffusers? I saw one for 5-50 gallons and 5-100 gallons? What do you think about their diffusers?
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