Mimic yellow vs yellow tang

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lovemyreef said:
We have a yellow tailed damsel in our 55gal. He hasn't caused any problem with any of our fish. They are one of the least aggressive damsels and their bodies are a beautiful bright blue... and they're cheap and hardy!

I just got rid of my yellow tailed damsels they ganged up and killed my perc clown. I wasnt happy...
Travis55 said:
I just got rid of my yellow tailed damsels they ganged up and killed my perc clown. I wasnt happy...

That sucks... We only have one and he's the smallest in the tank.
lovemyreef said:
That sucks... We only have one and he's the smallest in the tank.

Yea. I was hoping my trigger woulda protected it like it used to but in a diff tank it didnt
If it's just one tang it will do fine I have a mimic yellow rand in my 55 and it's as happy as can be.
If it's just one tang it will do fine I have a mimic yellow rand in my 55 and it's as happy as can be.
How can you tell a fish is happy? I have watched mine for hours and still haven't figured it out. I know just because they are swimming around and eating makes them alive but no clue if they are happy.
How can you tell a fish is happy? I have watched mine for hours and still haven't figured it out. I know just because they are swimming around and eating makes them alive but no clue if they are happy.
I agree,,what does a happy fish look like anyway..Can they even be happy...:confused:
I agree,,what does a happy fish look like anyway..Can they even be happy...:confused:

I have had my mimic tang in a 55 for a year now and has never had ich or any disease related to stress. If not happy she would have had signs. As well to add she never hides in the tank.
You might have a rare fish that doesn't need to have the zoom room but most tangs need to have the room to swim back and forth.

Another yellow fish that might work is a yellow coris wrasse. I have one in my 55 and it seems to do fine. The lemon peel I had in there stressed out the other fish so it went to a 45 gallon tank. Midas blenny is another smaller yellow fish but not the same shade of yellow but they can be grumpy.
I have had my mimic tang in a 55 for a year now and has never had ich or any disease related to stress. If not happy she would have had signs. As well to add she never hides in the tank.
OK ,,i have had a mimic for 3+ years in a 125 and it died ,,This was back in my Pre QT days..lesson learned..Not here to argue about something so overly discussed ,but the majority of opinions are tangs need 6 footers,,and i'm with the majority ..
Fish can be quite content for life in any size box,doesn't mean they are happy..,but how would we know anyway:ermm:
I too have a Yellow Tang and recently added a small Naso both in the 55g tank and are doing fine. My Yellow Tang has been in there since 2010. But I will be upgrading to a larger tank in the near future.
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