Mineral problem?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 25, 2009
andover, ct
I have a 10 gallon tank. Ph 7.2 Amm 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5 temp 78.
I took 2 fancy tail guppies and 2 swordtails from an established tank. The guppies hanging out at the top of tank. The swords at the bottom and none of them eating. When I first put them all in the tank they all pooped alot. I mean emptied themselves out. I mixed 1/2 the water they came in and 1/2 of the new water to acclimate them for about 20 mins. I just lost one of the guppies and they have no telling signs of illness. I am on a well and not sure if maybe there is a mineral in the water they don't like. I'm drawing up nothing at this point and I don't want to lose the other 3. Can anyone help me please? Thanks for your time
The only diff is the ph in the old tank is 6.8. Everything is the same except the well water.

I'm showing a read of 0 ammonia. I'm not sure why I need ammonia removers...
i think i have my answer

i went to my awesome lfs and told him about the tub turning blue and green and he told me that it is copper and he gave me a poly filter. so well see how that works :)
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