Miracle Mud and water clarity

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 12, 2003
Springfield, MO
As most of you know I rebuilt my sump the other day and in the process I pulled my ecosystem reefugium and switched to an aragonite substrate rather than miracle mud. Its almost like I have a brand new tank. My water quality is 10 times more clear than I have ever seen it... are they connected? Dunno... but I can say that my system looks a lot healthier with the mud gone.
Yep they are. Even the manufacturer says to run a UV after the return pump to clear up the water.
I am starting to see an upward trend in my PH also since I swapped the systems out. Call me crazy, but my PH has never been above 8.1 without buffering, and I am at 8.20 right now, three days after the swap. (lights on the fuge are out for RDP, so its not increased light)
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