Missing, 1 Goby

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 24, 2004
New Hampshire
I added a Red Antenea Goby to my tank last night and haven't seen him since. I know they can hide but I'm worried that he became an expensive snack for someone. I know it's probably a sign of paranoia but I just got done moving all my rock around trying to find it. The other occupants of the 40g tank are a yellow tail damsel, 2 clowns, a cleaner shrimp, 2 scarlet reef hermits and 6 blue legs. The tank's been established for around 6 months and has about 40 lbs of rock. I was told that the goby wouldn't have any problems with this setup, was I sold a line to go with the fish?
did you look on the ground? Certain gobies are jumpers.... My book says if startled they will bury in the sand and they make burrows. It can take several days to a week before you see some fish. Moving the LR IMO is not a good idea because you may trap the fish under the sand. give it some time
I'm not exactly sure what he'd be a meal for. I think you're o.k.

If the damsel has been harrassing him, he may just be hiding out. Mine did that when he thought the tang was after him..
It takes time for any fish to adjust to it's new surrondings, some longer than others. One day the goby will get hungry and will come out during feeding time.
After 4 days it finally showed itself tonight. Thanks to each of you for the encouragement to be patient.
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