Missing fish.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 9, 2012
I fed my tank last night and both clowns I have were eating like Champs. Came home today and now I only have one clown..... How fast does a clean up crew work? I have 10 snails, 3 blue leg hermits and to cleaner shrimp. Any help would be awesome.
I've had this happen to me once. In my case, the male clown jumped for whatever reason. So check around the tank as well. In terms of how fast CUC work, it can go really quickly especially with smaller fish.
I checked all around the sump and sock and saw nothing. He can't jump cause I have a screen top on my tank. This has me really bummed out!
The last time I saw him was in the clear shrimps tunnel. Can they kill fish?
Well I know it's dead. Went down yesterday to look at tank before the lights came on and found the cleaner shrimp dragging the body across the rocks. The fish was 3/4 eatin already.
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